ASA Connect: Information Exchange 10-15-24


Join Bruce and Brad Kauffman as they demonstrate how “fair but tough” negotiations with GCs can help you build stronger relationships with GCs based on respect and integrity.  In other words, standing up for your profession, your company, and your employees can much better serve your long-term success than simply accepting unfair contract terms.  An unfair contract could be your last contract!

What Are Information Exchanges?

Subcontractor Information Exchanges (SIEs) are business education sessions that provide members the opportunity to connect directly with speakers and share experiences on strategic management topics, key operational topics, and leadership and culture issues.  Information Exchange meetings are held once each quarter at a monthly ASA Connect meeting: July, October, January, and April.

(Optional) Business Practice Interchanges (BPIs)

All ASA Connect events (except the Annual Meeting in June) are followed by an optional, members-only, attorney-moderated, confidential Business Practice Interchange (BPI) session to discuss upcoming or ongoing projects, people, pitfalls, and processes.

Food & Beverages

Other than the Annual Meeting in June, which includes dinner and an open bar, lunch and soft drinks are included during all ASA Connect events, and attendees may order alcoholic drinks on their own tab.


Sponsorships include one ticket and may be purchased at any time up to one week prior to the ASA Connect event in order to allow time for the design and printing of the sponsor’s sign.

When Can I Register?

Registrations for each ASA Connect event are available for five weeks prior to the ASA Connect event, up to the end of the day prior to the event.

  • How to Build Stronger GC Relationships Through Effective Contract Negotiations
     October 15, 2024
     11:30 am - 1:00 pm
     Olive Grove Restaurant


Details Price Qty
ASA Members & GC Partnersshow details + $35.00 USD  
Non-Member Ticketsshow details + $75.00 USD  
Food & Beverage Sponsorship (includes 1 ticket)show details + $150.00 USD  


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Venue Website:

705 N Hammonds Ferry Rd, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, 21090

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